Call for Papers

All submissions will be blind-reviewed relevance to conference topics of interest, originality, significance, and clarity. By submitting your manuscript to the ECES-2022, it is understood that it is an original manuscript and is unpublished work, and is not under consideration elsewhere.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Volume 1: Climate change, Environmental and Energy

1) Climate Change and Environmental

  • Environmental challenges and environmental safety
  • Climate change and environmental crisis
  • Interactions between climate change, energy scarcity, and population
  • Energy scarcity and sustainable energy options
  • Renewable energy to manage energy shortages
  • Energy and environmental issues related to greenhouse gas emissions
  • Relationships between change and economic development
  • Global studies to prevent climate changes
  • Climate change and water security
  • Global warming and energy security
  • Sustainable energy policies in terms of environmental security

2) Climate Change and Energy Development

  • Comprehensive analysis of the economic and environmental consequences of renewable energy.
  • Interaction between green energy development and climate change.
  • Enhancement of energy security from domestically produced renewable energy.
  • Lifecycle analysis on small and large scale renewable energy utilization.
  • Innovations in renewable energy technology and their future influence.
  • Effect of climate change on the hydraulic system
  • Energy networks in smart cities
  • Various communication environments and innovative new mobility service

3) Artificial Intelligence Tools in Environmental, Hydrology, Energy, transportation systems, and applications

  • Application of Fuzzy Logic
  • Application of Artificial Neural Network
  • Applications of Genetic Algorithm

Volume 2: Climate change and Energy Security in the Mediterranean Region and the role of North Cyprus

1) Climate Change and Energy Security

  • Environmental challenges and energy security
  • Climate change and Energy crisis
  • Interactions among climate change, energy scarcity, and population
  • Energy scarcity and sustainable energy options
  • Renewable energy for managing energy scarcity
  • Energy and environmental issues relating to greenhouse gas emissions
  • Solution for the energy scarcity related to the electric power supply

2) Energy Security

  • Energy security assessment
  • Energy demand
  • Energy security and strategic reserves
  • Energy security and diversification of energy sources
  • Energy security challenges
  • Balancing energy security and the environment
  • Technological solution for energy security
  • Energy security and the Future
  • Energy security as the policy debate focus
  • Energy policy and energy security
  • The impact of energy policies on conflicts
  • The effect of energy policies on economic growth
  • Analysis of energy security within the framework of economic-political theory
  • The importance of energy security in terms of national security
  • Transformation of energy security in global and regional policies
  • The impact of energy security on world financial movements and policies

3) Energy Security and Geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

  • The geopolitics of energy from security to survival
  • Energy Security in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Opportunities and Challenges
  • The politics of energy security
  • Energy and international conflict
  • Energy as an instrument in global politics
  • The internal security of the gas and electricity network
  • Conflict for Resources: Is energy worth fighting for?
  • Global energy supply: Scale, perception and the return to geopolitics
  • Energy policies of global and regional actors in the Eastern Mediterranean / Evaluation of global competition in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Areas of cooperation to ensure supply security in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Natural gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean and the effects of Türkiye and Northern Cyprus on energy policies
  • Sustainable energy policies in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Global energy policies and the economic effects of transboundary pipelines in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Regionalization efforts in the Eastern Mediterranean: Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum
  • Eastern Mediterranean exclusive economic zone dispute
  • Energy diplomacy and the principle of interdependence in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Conflict of EEZ and sovereignty rights in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • The impact of the Eastern Mediterranean's natural gas on geopolitics
  • Effects of Eastern Mediterranean natural gas on Cyprus insolvency
  • Effects of climate change on the Eastern Mediterranean
  • The political economy of energy in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Energy security of Türkiye and Northern Cyprus in Eastern Mediterranean geopolitics
  • The role of the Turkish Naval Force in the geostrategic and geopolitical equations of the Eastern Mediterranean
  • The effects of the energy problem in the Eastern Mediterranean on the regional security environment
  • Hybrid warfare in maritime zones in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Maritime security in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Determination of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Türkiye and Northern Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean within the framework of international law

4) Role of North Cyprus in Energy Security

  • The role of North Cyprus in ensuring energy security of supply
  • North Cyprus as alternative suppliers of energy
  • The role of North Cyprus in protecting energy security
  • The Future of energy security for the Mediterranean region: North Cyprus’s role as an energy corridor
  • The Blue Homeland and the Role of North Cyprus on Türkiye’s Energy Strategy
  • Nuclear Power Plant and the Role of Northern Cyprus in terms of Security
  • The geopolitical importance of Cyprus in the context of European Union energy policies
  • The importance of energy policies in the economy of Türkiye and Northern Cyprus
  • Renewable energy policies of Türkiye and Northern Cyprus within the framework of a green economy
  • The effects of the hydrocarbon resources discovered in the Eastern Mediterranean on the solution of the Cyprus problem
  • Oil and natural gas resources in the Eastern Mediterranean and the legal position of Northern Cyprus within the framework of International Law of the Sea